To list every beast would be impossible. However, there are a handful of iconic beasts that have earned the respect of the realms through the centuries.

The Dragon
Their ancestor was the Dalamyn. The dragon is closely connected to Chaos, the ancient energy of the realms. They possess supernatural gifts that only show with age. The older a dragon, the more powerful. Highly intelligent. The majority in the Living Realm bond with a citizen, but there are wild dragons. There is one dragon, Ra'ule, that is the result of an egg hatching ritual conducted by Hyle. Ra'ule, touched with raw Chaos, never died.
The ancient dragon that originally called the Soul Realm home. The Dalamyn, closer to Chaos then the modern dragon, grew to massive sizes and possessed the ability to manipulate raw Chaos. Their fire was white, their lifespans exceeded 1,000 summers, and they were incredibly intelligent. Some say these were once the dragons of Gods.

The giant serpent that lives primarily in Diyrặ. This intelligent beast is extremely misunderstood and was hunted to near extinction. Poachers sought out the fangs and scales, and it was later learned the venom had extraordinary healing properties. Yalana, found by Sekar, remains one of few left in the entire Vore World.
A flying creature that comes from the Soul Realm. Many have referred to it as a demon dragon because it embodies similar characteristics, such as wings, snout, powerful jaws, and talons. They live for decades and can be as small as a hand or as large as a home. Aggressive, territorial, and hard to kill.

This giant beast is covered in shell-like armor. Large pincers, a dozen beady eyes, and ten legs. The Inere burrows underground and comes above ground only when threatened or curious. More recently, it was spotted for the first time in centuries when the beast showed itself to Morei Geral. Can live up to 400 summers.
Eight tentacles, larger than any ship, and territorial. In some cultures, like Creitón, these beasts are revered. They live deep underwater and occasionally come up out of curiosity. Highly intelligent and hold grudges. The young are known to cause havoc for ships because of their impulsive behavior. Can live up to 1,000 summers.

The commoners call it a unicorn. The creature is created with pure Dark Energy and has been nicknamed the ‘Walker of Realms’ because of its ability to dissipate and reappear wherever it wants. Nobody can touch the creature without permission. Doing so will cause the Mo’lüre to consume the lifeforce of the person. Ancient stories say that to see one is a good omen for this creature does not show itself to anyone without intention. There are only a handful of sightings throughout Vore history.
Shapeshifters of the sea. They live in hordes and call the Grave their home. They transform into anything their victim most desires. Souls are what they consume. Powerful creatures that in their natural form look closer to a small Krakí.