Take the Oath

Guardians of the dead, guiders of souls. They are in charge of protecting the realms from ancient monsters and to help souls into the Afterlife. While they are known for their work with the dead, they are also responsible for managing the balance of the realms and prophecies, and fighting beasts and demons.


It means the burdened one. This was used in ancient Vorelian times as a way to show respect to the Guardians. Mortals and Dragon Riders would cross their arm over their chest and mutter these words - sometimes with a head bow. They understood that these Guardians had a difficult and unforgiving job. It is a term that is not used as much anymore, as Guardians have earned a bad reputation, with some regions thinking they bring bad luck.

Commitment Ceremony

This is a ceremony that, to the living, is highly secretive. Guardians, after over a decade of tense and brutal training, undergo a seven day long ceremony. Guardians describe it as grueling, agonizing, and there are few that die in the process. In this process, they are soul-bonded to a demon and their lifespan dramatically increases - they can live centuries. This is how they earn their iconic pale blue skin, Marking, and crimson eyes.


The iconic tribal black ink that covers the majority of the Guardians. Every Guardian has a different Marking. This is the result of the Commitment Ceremony. The ink is blood, fused with the Dark Energy of the Edanzín Blade and demon. Each Marking tells the trauma of the bearer's life leading up to the Commitment Ceremony. Many Guardians don't talk about the Marking or the story behind it, but they do wear it proudly.

Edanzín Blade

A blade that hasn't ever touched the Living Realm. It is forged with the heart of a Mo’lüre (the living call it a unicorn). This blade is only granted to a Herän, a Guardian who is specially trained to work with the blade. Each use, the Herän must undergo an evaluation to ensure they are stable of mind. Only one Herän can exist at any time. A Herän conducts a ritual while carving a sigil into the back of a Guardian, which is the beginning of the Commitment Ceremony.


There is no denying that a Guardian's second language is dry sarcasm. They do not seek sympathy and struggle to empathize. During training, their emotions are beat out of them. To feel is hesitation, and hesitation will get you killed. Guardians are known for the cold approach, calloused perspectives, and ruthless swordsmanship.

The Birth of a Guardian

Guardians were once mortals. They are boys who have tragic childhoods, where their entire families are killed. When these situations occur, whether from illness or by crime, these young boys are sought out by elder Guardians and promised a new life. In the ancient days, this was considered the greatest honor - some even saying divine intervention. These boys were raised amongst the Guardians, trained daily, and take the oath to protect the realms.