About the Rider Federation

The Rider Federation stood for nearly 1800 summers before The Great Fall. The federation ended wars, struck deals, and pledged peace for the world. Dragon Riders became ambassadors, explorers, royalty, and trainers. In the most iconic case, the Rider Federation brought peace to Creitόn after pirates attempted to seize the country in the Hil War. In a political compromise, Greve's Point was dedicated to the pirates.
First Dragon Rider
Kera, the first Dragon Rider, was gifted an egg after a Guardian of Death found her on the brink of death. She was bound and beaten, left to die outside of Assane, where her mother betrayed her. The Guardian, acting strictly on compassion, wanted to prove to Kera that she was not defined by the politics of her tribes. He had no idea that this single act would create the first Dragon Rider. Kera and her dragon, Tanzule, flew to what is now known as Eiyrặl.

Extreme Beliefs
Vinfali. The ideology was derived from Renäyl, a religion dedicated to the first Vore God. The ideology essentially wished to control the bloodline of Dragon Riders through what many consider extreme measures. Arranged marriages, killing second born children, and forced dragon egg hatches are to name a few methods. This ideology was founded off the belief that the purer a bloodline is, the stronger that individual becomes. They then believed they could harness the power of Gods.
Rider Turned God
Hyle Serpin (God of Courage) remains the only Rider to have been chosen by Chaos to serve. He was ambushed in what is now known as the Hazar Desert by a group of Dragon Riders. Kelise, his dragon, was killed before he too met his end. But only to be reborn into a God that became starved with revenge. During his early summers as a God, he struggled immensely with the agony of losing Kelise. With the help of fanatics and power-hungry Riders, he helped bring the Rider Federation to its knees, a crime he is still seeking redemption for after all these centuries.

Becoming a Rider
In what many still consider unexplainable, an individual is chosen by the dragon. It is said the dragon will wait centuries for the right person to come along, judging their lifeforce from the safety of their egg. When that individual is found, the egg will hatch. The dragon will seek the individual out and, upon first physical contact, a bond is formed that connects lifeforces and minds. Many theorize this is the closest any person on the Living Realm can get to the true power of Chaos.
Eei’on Rü
All Riders are sworn to Eei’on Rü, the Code - Peace of the World. No matter what happens, all Riders are to act for the greater good. All actions and deals are made for peace. In any dangerous situation, Riders are expected to make the decision that benefits the Vore World rather than the handful of lives that might be at risk. Any Rider who breaks the Code is to be sentenced to trial by council.

Darkín Sel’ám
Save the Dragon. In any situation, Riders must prioritize the safety of their dragon. Dragons are considered invaluable to the Rider Federation, and must be protected at all costs. Any Rider who places their dragon at risk of death is breaking the Code.
Der’gon usi Halondaf
The Death of a Rider. For most, this is the end. Der’gon usi Halondaf refers to what happens when a bond is severed between a Rider and their dragon upon the dragon's death. No pain can come close to it, and many Riders end up taking their own life or going mad with grief. The agony of such a loss causes madness. This is what Hyle Serpin suffered from following the death of Kelise, which is what drove his actions.