A King Born to be

a Monster

Morei Geral was and will always be the heart of the story. His journey for purpose, acceptance, and learning how to love and trust is a major influence for how the stories of each book are shaped. Cyrus and Syra, while important in their own realm-saving rights, are essential to Morei's journey. In them, he will find redemption, but it will not be easy. Destiny has a way of making monsters out of the most heroic people. 

Honor & Loyalty

Loyal and bold. His decisions have always been for the better good of his citizens.

Violent & Merciless

Bound to a Gor-Geíon, struggles to maintain control at times. Harvester of Dark Energy.

The Demon King

The prophecy of the Demon King has been around prior to the fall of the Dragon Riders. It speaks of a new era and the King of Monsters.

Morei Geral is the fourth Energy Harvester ever to master Dark Energy. He is the only one to have harvested fire. His bloodline is a lie.

His disturbing relationship with Dark Energy grants him power not seen by any other Harvester, save that of Henry Junok.

Light Bringer

The realms' only chance at being saved. Syra's rich bloodline and connection with the dead will make her the harbinger of change.

Syra is the sole heir to the Soul Realm. Her bloodline dates back centuries. She is from the only family ever chosen to rule the dead by the ancient Gods.

Her newfound connection with Chaos makes her the Goddess of Death, a gift never seen before.

Rider Federation Leader

The age of dragons is here, and Cyrus is destined to lead it. He is the only chance at restoring world peace.

Cyrus is the descendant of two thieves who abandoned him to Diemon. He has relations with Henry Junok that date back to his infancy.

Chosen by Hyle, the guardian of the Rider Federation, to resurrect the city once more. HIs bloodline dates back to Vikter.

Dark Epic Fantasy

"Check out this series if you like epic dark fantasy, dragons, morally grey characters, demons, multiple povs, and unique magic!"

- Autumn

A Complete Trilogy

"This is the final book in an awesome trilogy I have enjoyed following the journey of all the characters. This is a must read for fans of dragon's and fantasy in general."

- Christopher

Epic Fantasy

"Overall, this is a fantastic entry into a fantasy series that will undoubtedly garner legions of fans. Very highly recommended."

- Readers' Favorite

Ensnare Your Imagination

"The descriptive writing in this story is first-rate. It will ensnare your imagination and toy with your emotions. Making your heart palpitate with every turn of the page. When your finished, it will leave you wanting more!!! One thing is certain, if you are a fan of High Fantasy. After reading this series, you will be a Vorelian for life!"

- Emerin

World Building

"The ups and downs, twists and turns, just everything in this book was wonderful!! Seeing the appearance of the gods is something I really enjoyed reading. The world building is also still one of my favorite aspects of this series. Everything feels real and fleshed out."

- Rebeka