Vore Belief System
Vorelians have always been polytheistic, although not every religion praises the Vore Gods equally. Depending on culture, some Gods are not acknowledged at all. Religion has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but the practices that shape the belief system have shifted over the centuries, especially when new Gods arrive.
Current Religions

The primary religion of the Vorelians. This ancient practice has stood the test of time, even after the fall of the Vorelian Empire over a thousand summers ago. This practice sees all Gods as equal, although Sekar is not acknowledged based on culture. Drügale practice is extremely common in the world. Eiyrặl is the original home of Drügalism.
This practice considers Greve to be the central God, but still acknowledges the other Gods. This religion is primarily seen in Diyrặ, although there are a small number of Zimbór followers throughout the world.

An ancient and reclusive monotheistic religion that believes the God of Dreams, Sekar, is the only true God. Followers of this religion are called Crystóns and are secluded from most of the world. The City of Liral is the only publicized location that celebrates and follows Crystónity.
This practice does not consider the Gods in their traditions. Rather, followers of Móermism place their value and respect in the energies of the world and are considered extremely spiritual. This old practice is seen rarely, but is scattered throughout the world, and followers are deemed Móers.

Ancient Religions

The first religion. This honored the first Vore God, Ren, but quickly became known for its extreme practices. There were followers who wished to pay their respect, but there were far more who wished to obtain the same power granted to Ren. To harvest the power of a God became the primary focus for this religion. Many cults, such as the iconic Fangs from the era of the Rider Federation, practice this faith.
A faith dedicated to the monsters. This religion has long since faded, but old tombs documented it. Followers believed that the true Gods are the beasts that roamed the lands. At any point, these creatures could take back their realms.