Hyle Serpin

Hyle became a Dragon Rider after his criminal group stole a dragon egg. He was ten at the time, which is much later for Dragon Riders during the reign of the Rider Federation, but he quickly became a fierce opponent and the best of his generation. In fact, decades later, he was known as one of the best Dragon Riders of his era and was in line to become an elder, or Ny-gal, next to Vikter and Aythen. His dragon, Kelise, was violent, even by the standard of dragons. Hyle and Kelise didn't play by the rules, and were willing to challenge even the Gods to get what they wanted.
At a young age, Hyle and Vikter hated each other. They came from opposite ends of the world, so to speak, and had very different values. Over the summers, they started to trust each other, especially after Vikter saved Hyle's life during a routine exercise when they were Riders-in-training. They realized that their reckless and daring attitudes weren't so different after all.
Hyle has what many would describe a bloody history. Following the brutal slaughter of Kelise, he was also killed but selected by Chaos to serve. Reborn a deity, he became the God of Courage. That, however, did not change his lust for revenge, which he enacted on the Rider Federation. That story alone is worth a novel (wink, wink).
Despite his brutal past, Hyle has lived centuries reliving what he did. He seeks redemption and has always dreamed of resurrecting the Rider Federation. As the sole Rider remaining from that era, he knew it was his duty to fulfill Vikter's final goals to protect the Federation. When he learned that Aythen's son, Sozar, hatched and that a Dragon Rider was finally born, he knew the time was now.
He has sought Cyrus out for a number of reasons, most notably being to ensure the Rider Federation falls into the young Rider's hands. He is the key to Cyrus's future, and will be a major component to the future of the Dragon Riders.
Favorite Things: Breaking the rules, death spirals, playing pranks, and a good dark ale.
Least Favorite Things: Traitors, a lack of integrity, and the desert.

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