Alaric Delion
July 20, 2024
The Merciless King
Alaric, the murderer of his father and the one who saved Cyrus's life.
This single act changed the course of destiny, although no one knows it. With
the aid of Alaric, Cyrus has been given the opportunity to become the Dragon Rider
he is destined to be. While Alaric is violent, harsh, and cruel,
he has a penchant for loyalty. His own father left scars all over
his body, raised him to embrace violence and to never show weakness.
However, underneath all that is a man who, much like Morei, seeks
friendship and companionship.
Alaric may be cruel, but he has a strong moral code. This
is the precise reason he went after his father when Cyrus was
whipped and beaten.
Alaric's page will grow.
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