The Energy System

Chaos, Mother
The power reserved for Gods. Chaos can be manipulated into anything. Most notably, the gift granted to Gods is how Chaos has chosen to manifest. Sekar can create illusions and contort dreams, but Hyle can manifest courage or strip it all away. Each God embodies a different version of Chaos. The force is not summoned like Dark or Light Energy. Rather, it comes to the Harvester. Any Harvester who tries to harvest the force without being bonded to it will be immediately killed. It is too pure an energy for any normal Harvester.
Dark Energy
Untamed and volatile. This energy is intelligent and is only appeased by souls. Dark Energy is much closer to Chaos than Light Energy, and offers a direct channel of food (souls) to Chaos. Each soul taken is imprisoned for eternity, never to pass into the Afterlife. Harvesters who can manage to manipulate Dark Energy do so at an immense cost. The force embodies elements of fire, water, wind, and the metals in the ground. Once an Energy Harvester harnesses such power, they are forever enslaved.

Light Energy
In energy terms, this is the weakest. Though that does not mean Energy Harvesters can't do extraordinary things with Light Energy. Annabel, the daughter of King Barnặl, ended a brewing political war with her abilities. This force makes up all living things - from plants to people - in the form of a lifeforce (proper term for soul). This form of energy is the easiest to manipulate, and does not require any significant sacrifice from the Harvester.
Mother of all Energy
Chaos is responsible for both death and life. She - for that is what Chaos is to the Gods - is everywhere and nowhere at once. Mother seeks to have total control, and it is because of this that the Gods were created. They are her connection to the Living Realm. The children (branches) of Chaos are Dark and Light Energy. Chaos does not destroy (at least willingly). The more control she has, the stronger she becomes.
Energy Harvester
Energy Harvesters must keep in mind a few things when training or manipulating energy.